Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical system that has been in practice for thousands of years. As a part of TCM, acupuncture is used to treat a broad range of conditions. Firmly grounded in the cycles and rhythms of nature, what sets TCM apart from other forms of medicine is that it seeks to address the underlying cause of illness in order to restore balance to the body, mind and spirit.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin at specific points — called acu-points — which run along the surface of the body. The needles help to restore the body’s energy to its natural state. When the energy is restored, symptoms of disease improve.
Traditional Chinese Medicine also takes into consideration other factors that contribute to disease, such as diet, sleep habits, exercise and stress. New and realistic practices that support good health in the long term are an important part of the treatment process.
At the initial office visit we spend time discussing treatment goals and expectations. I believe that client and practitioner work collaboratively in the healing process, which means maintaining an open dialogue.
During treatment, I make sure that you are very comfortable. My office is cozy, warm and conducive to relaxation, which is an important aspect of treatment. Additionally, appointments are never rushed. I listen carefully to the details of what changes you may have experienced since the previous treatment as a way to gauge progress. I am also available by telephone outside of the treatment time for questions and concerns. Please be assured that anything that transpires, in or outside of treatment, is strictly confidential. Additional modalities are often used in conjunction with acupuncture needles such as moxabustion, cupping, and gwa sha.
Acupuncture treats the underlying cause of disease as well as the symptoms.